
Monday, November 19, 2012

Monday, November 12, 2012


wool and acrylic, d - 70 cm
35 ron



wool and acrylic, diameter 64 cm
cotton bowtie
45 ron


wool and acrylic, diameter 68 cm
50 ron

wool, length 220 cm
30 ron

wool, diameter 64cm 
35 ron


20 ron 


wool and acrylic, diameter 72 cm
cotton brooch
45 ron


wool and plastic button, length 42
30 ron

wool and acrylic, diameter 68 cm 
35 ron



wool and acrylic , lenght 31 cm
30 ron


wool and acrylic, length 30 cm
30 ron

wool, length 24 cm
25 ron


wool, length 22 cm
25 ron

acrylic, length 19 cm
25 ron


wool, length 23 cm
30 ron


wool and acrylic, length 22 cm
25 ron


wool and acrylic, length 25 cm
25 ron

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Pe Matasari

Colțul Civic, LaBazar, Design Square, Zona DeBunGust, Atelier, Expoziție de fotografie, pictură și sculptură - un fel de galerie de artă pe asfalt, Strada ca o Scena - concerte, proiecții pe clădiri, dans, cinema în aer liber sau piese de teatru...

Toate acestea si multe altele te asteapta in cele 3 zile de festival.

Impreuna vom vorbi despre frumusetea acestui Bucuresti.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Art Heart

Art Heart Concept va prezinta “Expozitie de Arte si Design Vestimentar”,eveniment ce va avea loc pe 16-17 decembrie in club Fabrica (strada 11 iunie nr.50).
Ne intalnim la parterul cafenelei de la Fabrica pe muzica funky de jazz unde admiram lucrarile artistilor plastici, fotografie si o proiectie de animatie
Urcam 10 trepte si ajungem in zona fashion, la etaj va asteptam cu design vestimentar si accesorii semnate de tinerii designeri romani.
Art Heart este un concept ce sprijina artistul tanar underground din Romania, asa ca va asteptam sa ne delectam si sa cumparam lucruri unice intr-o atmosfera unica,SO COME BUY ART!

Official facebook page:

Friday, December 09, 2011


Bohemian sin has a very nice giveaway...

BOHEMIAN SIN: INTERNATIONAL GIVEAWAY: Bohemian Sin wintery giveaway – International Hello there everyone. I know it’s been so cold outside lately. So, to warm you up a little ...

Sunday, November 20, 2011

for Christmas

1.Christmas trees made out of cotton and felt l= 15, 13 cm
price 30 ron
2.Snowflakes made out of embroidery d=10 cm
price 15 ron
3.Christmas trees made out of cotton and felt l=14 cm
price 20 ron
4.Christmas ornaments madeout of batiste and goldish acc. d=4,5 cm
price 30 ron
5.Christmas trees made out of velvet felt and goldish acc. l= 10,14 cm
price 30 ron
7.Christmas ornaments made out of cotton and felt d=9 cm
price 10 ron
8.Christmas trees l=12 cm
price 20 ron

9.Christmas trees made out of denim and felt l= 11,15 cm
price 20 ron
10.Christmas trees mad eout of felt, velvet and goldish acc. l= 12 cm
price 30 ron
11.Christmas ornaments made out of jersey and felt l=10-12 cm
price 30 ron (set of 3)
12. Christmas ornaments made out of cotton l=12-13 cm
price 25 ron (set of 3)
13.Christmasn ornaments made out of cotton, linen and huckaback l=12 cm
price 30 ron (set of 3)
14.Christmas ornaments made out of cotton
price 20 ron (set of 4)
15.Christmas ornaments made out of felt, jersey and huckaback,beads and string. l=11 cm
price 45 ron (set of 3)
16.Christmas ornaments made out of cotton and felt. l-11 cm
price 20 ron (set of 3)

Saturday, November 05, 2011

the rocks : rings

1.rock covered in lace and bronze acc.
price 20 ron
2.rock covered in lace and silver acc.
price 20 ron
3.rock covered in lace and bronze acc.
price 25 ron
4.rock covered in lace and bronze acc.
price 30 ron SOLD

the rocks : necklaces

1.rock covered in lace with heart shaped pearl and bronze acc.
price 25 ron SOLD
2.rock covered in lace with small black pearls and bronze acc.
price 30 ron SOLD
3.rock covered in lace and copper acc.
price 25 ron
4. heart shaped rock covered in lace and bronze acc.
price 30 ron
5. heart shaped rock covered in lace with pearl and bronze acc.
price 3o ron
6.rock covered in lace with salmon pearls and bronze acc.
price 25 ron
7.rock covered in lace and bronze acc.
price 25 ron
8.rock covered in lace and copper acc.
price 25 ron
9. rock covered in lace and copper acc.
price 25 ron
10.rock covered in lace and bronze acc.
price 30 ron
11. rock covered in lace and bronze acc.
price 25 ron